Company history of EKK

EKK combines tradition and innovation
We combine tradition and innovation in our small, medium-sized company. Tradition with the continuation of the contact parts division, where it all began, and innovation with the entry into new business areas such as plastics technology and process engineering.
Company history of EKK

Foundation of Elektro-Kohle-Köln
The history of EKK begins in 1946 in Augsburg with the contact parts factory "Elektro-Kohle-Köln", a specialised trade in components for power transmission.

Managing Director and later company owner Helmut Kever has a decisive influence on the company and drives the entry into new business areas.
Entry into the production of dialysis cells
Inspired by his good business relationships with leading car manufacturers, Helmut Kever initiates the production of dialysis cells.
EKK Anlagentechnik is now one of the leading manufacturers of dialysis cells and accessories.

Relocation from Augsburg to Friedberg
A larger company building with production facilities is required for dialysis cell production. A new office building with warehouse and production area is built in neighbouring Friedberg.
The rapidly growing dialysis cell business requires larger production facilities. These were to be created with the construction of a new production hall, which was to be ready for occupancy in 2010.
Opening of the plant for plastics and environmental technology
A new business area was added in 2014 with the entry into plastics and environmental technology. At the new plant in Thannhausen, tanks, pipelines, equipment and systems are manufactured from thermoplastics.
In addition to gaining a new customer base, valuable synergy effects with the existing range of CDC technology will be created.

CNC production
In 2017, the purchase of a 3-axis milling machine marks the start of a CNC production centre, which will be expanded with a 5-axis milling machine in 2021.
EKK Anlagentechnik not only undertakes contract milling work, but also supports its customers in the creation of dxf files.
Ground-breaking ceremony for the production facility for plastics and environmental technology in Ziemetshausen
Due to the good business development of the Plastics and Environmental Technology division, which was founded in 2014, the production facilities in the rented premises in Thannhausen were no longer sufficient after a short time, which made a move to larger production and office buildings essential.
The ground-breaking ceremony for a 1,850 m² hall with 1,500 m² of production space and 350 m² of office space took place on the 7,200 m² site in the Ziemetshausen industrial estate on 20 November 2020.

Move to the new production facility in Ziemetshausen
Preparation in the new production hall for plastics and environmental technology in Ziemetshausen was started on time at the beginning of 2022, and the office buildings would be occupied in April.
At the end of June, the new premises were officially opened with the foundation board members, employees and long-standing business partners.